Outstanding Achievers
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Natural Life Science Olympiad
MashaAllah to Taherah Makada, Kashmir Dayal, Sabeeha Soosiwala and Hassam Ghumran on receiveing a scholarship from UKZN to the value of R20 000 each for the 2013 Academic year. Taherah Makada has been accepted at UKZN Medical School, Kashmir Dayal at the Colllege of Law and Management Studies, Sabeeha Soosiwala for Pharmacy and Hassam Ghumran for Engineering. Pictured here are the recpients of the scholarship with Vijay Ramballie of the Student Recruitment and Schools Liason for Corporate Relations at UKZN. We hope that learners from Crescent will also qualify for this prestigious award this year as well.
Natural Life Science Olympiad
Haneefa Amod and Pearl Oriele Perumal were placed first in the country in the Grade 10 category.
Arabic Olympiad
Afzal Adeen was placed first in the Arabic Olympiad organised by MEIS on behalf of AMS (pictured above are Afzal Adeen and Mrs A Gareeb).
Eskom Science Expo
Ayesha Khan received a gold award for being placed among the top 5 in the Provincial Competition. She was then selected to represent KZN in the National Eskom Science Expo in Pretoria
Whispers of the Heart Art Competition
Tahera Makada’s pencil sketch was the winning entry in this competition.